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Blog by Vertika Shrivastava connectclue-author-image


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In different situations, each of us reacts differently. Let's talk about how to deal with 'insults' today. Have you ever been the target of a slanderous remark? Isn't that a depressing thought?

Let us begin with some introspection: what do YOU do when you are insulted? Do you respond by insulting the individual? Or do you burst out crying? Or do you simply leave the situation and avoid the person who insulted you? Okay, it's self-evident that those who insult you are negative, isn't it?

Why do you believe they're mocking you? Someone will most likely insult you for one of three reasons. The first is a sense of unease. Some people are currently experiencing feelings of insecurity. They feel the need to have control over everything because they don't feel good about themselves, and the only way to gain this control is to bring others down. As a result, insecure people will always insult or make disparaging remarks about you.

The second reason someone might mock or insult you is that they are envious of you. That's correct! One of the most obvious reasons for someone mocking or ridiculing you is jealousy. People who are envious believe they are not given enough credit for their efforts, which is why they seek to bring you down. For example, if you have a coworker and your boss prefers you to him due to your efficiency, your coworker may end up mocking the way you work or how you delivered your presentation. He's just envious of you, which explains his actions.

The third reason some people would insult you is because they are unaware of your disability. People are frequently unaware of how their comments affect others because they do not realize the person to whom their comments are directed has a genuine problem. For example, at school, there is a student who struggles with his or her speech. He most likely stammers or stutters. He has a valid problem, but his classmates may not recognize it. Because they do not fully comprehend this, they may mock him without fully comprehending the implications.

The goal of this blog is to share my own experiences in the hope that they may be beneficial to many of you. Let us look at what we do when we are embarrassed. It's better to answer to an insult than to react to it. As a result, you should respond gently at first. That's correct, you read that correctly. We've all witnessed negative people try to take control of a situation, and your angry or hurt reaction makes them happy. Right? The most essential thing you can do is keep your calm, recognize that you are not the only one they are playing pranks on, and, most importantly, recognize that you will never be able to change their personality.

This is not to imply you should remain mute and allow them to speak whenever they want. You must communicate with them, but not in their language because you are not one of them. In reality, I feel that delivering this message makes sense in the workplace ? for example, in the situation we discussed with the coworker; in this case, sending a strong message is critical in order to avoid such events in the future. Remember, no one will bother you if you refuse to take it. On the contrary, sometimes ignoring an insult is the smartest and wisest thing to do.

You can disregard an insult if you don't want the person who insulted you to feel as if they have harmed you in any way. So, by ignoring the insult, you're telling the individual, "Look, I'm not bothered by it." You may argue that it is difficult to disregard an insult. Yes, you are accurate. You may, however, ignore an insult by changing the subject of the discussion and talking about something completely different, or you can simply leave the situation.

The second thing you should know is that you must report insults on a frequent basis. Please be aware that insulting someone based on their gender, physical appearance, sexual orientation, religion, or handicap is unlawful. This individual is not acting legally, and it is your right as a victim to report such behavior. There are now anti-harassment sections in schools and workplaces that will truly listen to your case and take the necessary steps to ensure that you never have to endure the insults again. There will always be people who wish to bring you down, but it is up to you to stay strong and calm in the face of their attempts.


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