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What to wear on a blind date?
Having your friends match you up with eligible individuals in your neighborhood may be a fantastic method to meet them. But how do you decide what to wear? Many individuals are concerned about what they should dress for a blind date. First impressions are really important. Finding clothing that flatter you, show a little about your personality, and project a good image may be a great place to start.
A research published in Social Psychological and Personality Science discovered evidence that a single glance at someone for 33 to 100 milliseconds was enough to create a first impression, with character and personality judgments completed within 60 seconds. This is why it's critical to have your appearance reflect who you are and to project a pleasant mood, especially on a blind date.

The prospect of selecting an outfit may excite or frighten you. In either case, deciding what to wear while meeting someone for the first time might be difficult. There are also various dress codes for various venues, times of day, and sorts of meetings. While smart casual is typically the ideal option, there may be occasions when it isn't. So your first duty is to figure out where you'll be going and what you'll be doing. If you're going to a Christmas market in December, your outfit will be considerably different than what you'd wear to a black-tie dinner.

Photo by Matt W Newman on Unsplash

You don't have to wear pricey designer clothing, but you should appear to have made an effort. Actions speak louder than words, and your physical appearance will create an impression on her as soon as she sees you. T-shirts might seem too casual, so match it with a nicer blazer type jacket or opt for a shirt.

Cool trainers are fine, but not the scruffy ones you use for jogging (if you're not sure which category yours belong in, keep it safe and wear shoes or boots). And, unless your first date is in a beach bar, avoid wearing shorts.

Don't be tempted to dress in ways that make you feel uneasy. Your first priority should be comfort. You want to feel calm and pleased with your attire because blind dating can be a little nerve-racking. High heels might be a major cause in this case. If you're not used to them, teetering along might make you seem ridiculous.

If you want to seem more formal or seductive, choose wedges or little kitten heels. The same is true with short skirts. It will be quite inconvenient to continuously tug down something that is riding up. Also, keep an eye out for tights that sag or wrinkle around your ankles. Frequently changing them is another poor appearance that is also quite distracting for you.

What should you not wear on a blind date?
There are some fashion standards that apply to any situation, such as being clean and attractive. Don't drag your dirty laundry basket trousers out, and don't wear a soiled shirt. If you're constantly wrinkled and crumpled, invest in an iron.
That applies to every day, not just special events; if you do, your employer will be as relieved as your date. Clothes that aren't properly aired out after washing might develop a musty odour, so make sure you dry everything well and don't have an air of damp following you about, to which your nose has become immune.

1. Clothes that don't fit. If you're now too large or too little for it, get rid of it (preferably to a charity shop). It's not going to help your silhouette.

2. A sports tee/stripe. Unless you're going to a game and have heard they're rooting for the same team.

3. The slogan is the best. These are enjoyable and appropriate for subsequent dates, but you don't want it to be the focus of the first meeting (particularly if it's something controversial or potentially unpleasant).

4. Prints that cause vertigo. Have you ever felt dizzy after staring at a striped clothing for a long time? If your top is prone to cause nausea, don't wear it in a one-on-one situation.

5. Shoes are brand new. These should always be tried on ahead of time to see if they need to be accompanied with blister plasters. However, new-looking shoes are an excellent shout.


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