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The Ultimate Guide To Dressing For A First Date: Fashion Dos And Don'ts

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Photo by Amber Kipp on Unsplash

The Ultimate Guide To Dressing For A First Date: Fashion Dos And Don'ts
Dating can be extremely intimidating, especially on first dates. Are they going to like you? What if they leave too soon? How do you keep awkward silences at bay? What if you spill red wine on him, or worse, on yourself? There are many things to be concerned about, which is why it is critical that our date dress is not one of them.
If you're still nervous about that date you're looking forward to, or if you need to step up your game, look no further. We've compiled a list of ideas and methods to ensure that no matter what happens on your first date, an outfit disaster is not on the agenda!

Do...aim to make a first impression that lasts
Yes, we agree that it is unfair, yet it is true that first impressions endure a lifetime. What we wear is an important component of how we express ourselves. Aesthetics will always be overshadowed by personality, but no one knows your personality until they get to know you... whereas your clothes, hair, and cosmetics are the first things people notice about you.
With all of that in mind, he'll make certain assumptions about you within the first 5 seconds of seeing you on a first date.
To really nail it, show him not only who YOU are as a person, but also the best version of yourself. Don't try to find a new style that isn't how you generally dress; instead, give your personal sense of style a boost for the date.
The goal is simple: make him say WOW as soon as you walk through the door.

Do...give off that ?effortlessly cool? vibe
Eh? How do you maintain a casually cool demeanour? That's a great question, and we're delighted you asked. What we mean is that you want to show him that you're naturally trendy and chic, but that you've just thought of it all at the last minute. As if you could throw on anything and look instantly attractive.
Loafers, oversized cardigans, a double denim shirt and skirt combo, sandals and socks, torn jeans layered over fishnet tights, crop top and ripped shorts, or even simply simple black skinny jeans and heeled boots convey a relaxed but trendy attitude. Put on a hat and wide sunglasses, and you're THAT girl that everyone wants to be or be around.

Do...make comfort a priority
Listen, you can have the most exquisite and beautiful dress in your entire collection, but if it's uncomfortable, you're going to have a terrible time. You'll be too preoccupied with how much you wish you had worn that softer maxi dress to pay attention. Even if you aren't aware of it, your discomfort will be projected onto him. It's also more likely to cause you to cancel the date early rather than simply going with the flow and seeing where it takes you. Yes, looking fantastic can often be slightly uncomfortable, but on a first date, you need to strike a balance, and if you have to choose, make comfort your priority. You must be physically calm in order to show him how amazing you truly are.


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