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Dr B.R. Ambedkar & Social Justice

Blog by Vertika Shrivastava connectclue-author-image

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Rousseau reportedly said, "Man is born free, yet he is chained everywhere." This concept formed the impetus for the struggle against the revolution. The revolution's guiding ideals were the concepts of justice, liberty, and brotherhood. Those ideals impacted the Indian national movement and its leaders, especially Dr. Ambedkar.

Dr. Ambedkar was a highly educated individual. As is well known, B.R. Ambedkar, the Chairman of the Constitution of India Drafting Committee, devoted the majority of his intellectual, social, and political efforts to give expression to his belief in the ideal, ?Sarvenah Bhavantu Sukhinah SarveSantu Niramayah,? i.e. the great and prosperity of all, and struggled throughout his life for securing the rightful place for the discriminated, deprive For many members of his caste, this was inconceivable.


Social justice evolved as a result of a process of social norms, order, law, and moral growth. It emphasised just action and established room for intervention inside society by implementing laws and regulations that promoted social equality ideals. The term "social justice" is made up of two words: one is social, and the second is justice. The phrase 'social' refers to all individuals who comprise society, whereas the term 'justice' refers to liberty, equality, and rights. Thus, social justice is concerned with guaranteeing liberty, equality, and the preservation of individual rights for all creatures in society.

Ambedkar's Vision of SOCIAL JUSTICE

According to Ambedkar's perspective, the word "social justice" is based on the equality, liberty, and fraternity of all individuals. The goal of social justice is to eliminate all forms of inequity based on caste, race, gender, power, position, and money. Social justice entails the equitable allocation of the community's social, political, and economic resources.

This viewpoint differed from Gandhi's, who saw simply untouchability as a problem, rather than the entire social structure. Gandhi wished to abolish untouchability but did not completely open the topic on how to secure civil rights. Dr. Ambedkar ignored this viewpoint. He thought that as long as classes existed, there would be outcasts. There would be a hierarchy as long as the class structure remained. His goal was of a society in which all people had equal access to opportunity.


The primary meaning of the phrase "Social Justice" is to create a just world. The primary goal of this idea is to uplift and pull women, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes into the mainstream of society. This concept also prohibits unfair enrichment at the expense of weaker parts. As far as Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's goal of "Social Justice" is concerned, he has dedicated his entire life for the betterment of women, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes in society. Thus, Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar initiated a social revolution by awakening the ladies, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes, as well as destroying all societal ideals that upheld the Hindu framework.


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