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Rebuild Your Spirit by Loving Your Heart

Blog by Om Sri Keshari connectclue-author-image

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The sense of betrayal and refusal can be so deep that some are questioning their very presence and value in this world. This is why one of the most terrible realizations is that your fight and your anguish can only be brief, just as the pain of a woman during birth. If you're sorrowful for the pain of rejection, treason, disappointment, and feeling like a lost soul, know that rainbow is waiting for you over the hill.

These feelings and harmful ideas are real. They exist inside the body that keeps the suffering. You can't put it under a microscope or bottle it, but there is real agony! It's not always simple to punch from the wounded, but it's feasible. In the dark caves of desperation, an injured heart is a broken heart and a poor spirit exists. It's not a desperate place to stay for too long.

Again, anticipate feeling happy. Do what is pleasing to you. I get one of those colored books for school pupils, and I adore coloring hours in and out. The value of it is therapeutic. Sadness in a dark and lonely place has a way to get comfortable. Do something that makes you joyful when you are young. Whether it's watching a movie, visiting a park, etc... whatever it is. Life is filled with waves, ups, and downs, but it is how you ride the crest and slip out the most important troughs.

Speak to someone you can have confidence in how you feel. Understand that anguish, fight and sadness can strengthen you. From a more positive point of view, it's how you approach people. Peace of mind comes from knowing, exploring, and giving up the problem with a good attitude. Yes, give up! In my own life, the times I felt completely lost and continuously worried about anything disappeared when I gave up on what was happening. It's not the same as abandonment, but recognition and acceptance. At the time of resignation, peace of mind comes. Everything's a sign of faith that you can sort it out and invite you to come to a successful end. I didn't do anything outside but kept my self-esteem by non-action. No reprisals or disturbing thoughts or acts. Patience.

Like birth, pain means something is born. Expressing appreciation regularly can relieve sorrow and anguish. Helping someone else in need is a wonderful method to grow your spirit without waiting for thanks or return. Happy and Sad are two independent arms and are part of the same scale. Know that there are predators who celebrate sadness. Avoid infection with them. The only immunization against these effects is 'doing what makes you happy.' What others think about you doesn't worry.

When you notice how you breathe when you get agitated, you will discover that this is quite shallow and deprives your brain of oxygen. This causes you to get confused and slip down the spiral. It pays to catch yourself and transition rapidly to deeper breathing. Fill your lungs and hold for at least six seconds before releasing gently to release any tension carefully. Repeat at all times and as necessary. Feed your brain with clear thoughts to be cheerful and hopeful. Stay well! Stay well!


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