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Relationship : Marriage

Blog by Shalini connectclue-author-image

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Well, I was speaking to someone known today, a young boy in the age bracket of early 30s,  and while talking, he shared with me, that I am all alone, staying alone, handling my business and household chores and it really takes a toll on me, also wastes so much of my time. So, I am thinking of getting married. 

Listening to him, I also remembered few other people mentioning same thing to me specially boys.  And to think of it, in India, marriages usually happen either out of this need, or to have kids or put of societal and family pressure.  But is it really the right reason to get married? Really? I have always believed that marriage should not happen out of any need or compulsion or age or to raise a child, it should only happen when two people want to walk together on the journey of life, come what may. They understand each other, support each other and trust each other in all odds of life and still hold on to each other out of choice and commitment because they want to and not put of any need or compulsion. Marriage is a union of two hearts, minds and souls.  

I think that's one reason, marriages are falling apart so much lately and these days or even if they are not falling apart, you see fighting couples and fighting parents.

Ofcourse, the times have changed so much from past many years, where these days, where women are equally independent, so couples are so confused in their roles and that's where the clashes also arise due to money issues, responsibility sharing, time and attention and not to forget the mist important trust issues.

There was a time, when man was born as provider and woman as a nurturer. He was supposed to go out and earn for the livelihood and woman was supposed to be only at home, follow the instructions of the man and only cook and take care of the home and children. But now, both are independent and working, so there is a lot of confusion of roles. My question is cant we share the roles together, holding each other's hands and still respecting and understanding each other?

A recent report and survey has shown that, many people are delaying their marriages or not getting married.  It also shows that, failed relationships and failed marriages are one major reason fro depression in todays times.

A good happy couple always raise good emotionally healthy kids which is bringing up one generation and vis a vis an unhappy couple always raise unhappy kids again spoiling one generation. So, the reason of marriage should be right

What do you think? Do share your opinion. Keep reading for more!!

Stay safe, stay blessed and stay happy always!!


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