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Some interview experience

Blog by Shalini connectclue-author-image

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I was interviewing some candidates for a project of mine, when I came across a candidate who happened to share her story with me, when I asked her about her reason of leaving the last company and why such a huge gap. She told me, " Mam, My husband had asked me to leave my job and I had to.". She has 2 girls as her kids and when I asked her that why she is looking for a job now , work from home, she told me, " Mam, my husband has left me because I have 2 girl kids and no boy as a child. He wanted only a boy as a child. My 2nd daughter is only 1 year young and she is weak enough as she is a premature baby and she needs an injection to be put  once in every fortnight. And my husband doesn't support me at all, so I really need a job to support my daughters and keep them alive." 

She had decent experience with Corporate as hr and good communication skills.  And she had really fitted well for the role, I was interviewing her, but I was really really alarmed by what she had told me....like really.....we are in 21st century and still, people really discriminate kids as a boy or a girl.

If you really think of, if girls would not be there, where would all these boys come from? 
Where is the respect for women? 
Can you really think of leaving someone only because she gave birth to a girl child?

As if she is just a machine to bear the child....don't you think its equal responsibility of both husband and wife together to nurture and protect a child? And here, what is the mistake of that child who has come to this world? What feelings and thinking she will carry in herself when she will grow up? When will all this end? We have no right to bring a child in this world, if we cant give a good life to him or her.......and where is our humanity gone? 

I was really upset, sad and disheartened listening to all this. A real man is the one who respects a woman, who is a good human being, who takes responsibility  But I think, our society is equally responsible for all this. Till the time, we don't give a good upbringing to our young boys, we don't teach them how to respect women, be good human beings, be open minded and virtuous, nothing will change.....nothing!! 

I wish and pray to see such a world , one day and I hope that day will come soon. And I hope,  all of us can make some such small changes within ourselves to make the world a better place.

Do share your thoughts with me. 

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