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You are the Strangest of All Creatures

Blog by Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi connectclue-author-image

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  You are special and unique-your Uniqueness defines your personality and projects what you are. Every human being in this world is exceptional and distinctive.  
 It is the unique combination of circumstances and your own inner strength and resilience that shape your characters. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from the setback inflicted. And then cultivating the temperament to stay focused, the biggest stumbling block in the path of happiness and success is your own self.  Ego, hubris, cockiness and doggedness reside in the SELF and keep you from learning life lessons. You are good in your own unique ways.

Your   dashed desires take the shape of a scarecrow and stand with arms outstretched in the field of nowhere. This shouldn't mean that you   should stop having desires. Though what are desires but yearnings and cravings for what we don't have (either had and lost or never had)? Life is a train that stops at all stations but we are always caught napping when the station of our choice comes. Missed opportunities sometimes sting like a scorpion.

 Agreeing with someone over something doesn't mean that you relinquish your view. The big picture should never be compromised for a small canvas. Losing a thousand small battles is any day better than losing a major war. You are the captain of your will and no one can take that status away from you.

 Prophet ascended to heaven from earth. Jonah was regurgitated by the whale. Moses split the Red Sea. Christ rose from the dead. The Mahdi will emerge from behind the curtain. When man attains perfection, then, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. Miracles happen when you start believing in yourself.
 We are all unique and we all have our own peculiarities. Sometimes we are like the horse and sometimes like the ass. Sometimes we soar like the eagle while at other times we scurry away like the chicken. Man is the strangest of all creatures.
(Note-Man : Includes woman also-keep this in mind while reading this)


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