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You quit - you fail BUT -Not Always

Blog by Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi connectclue-author-image

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This caption seems a bit contradictory to what generally is believed to be and taught by motivational speakers- but I feel it is not always true. Read on
 "The world cannot defeat you until you accept the defeat" Imam Ali (as)
Don't accept defeat. Don't quit. Remove "nt" from Don't and "qu" from Quit, it becomes "DO IT"  Repeat Do it, Do it.  So don't accept defeat. Don't give up. Don't quit.

Continue with your efforts. Fatigue, discomfort, discouragement are merely symptoms of the effort you are putting in. There is no success without genuine efforts. Efforts   release their rewards fully, only after a person refuses to quit. Anxiety is a glimpse of your daring. It is a part of your agitation; Anxiety is just excitement about what you are getting ready to accomplish /achieve. There is no success without serious attempts.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, failing, falling, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
"If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun" exhorted our Late  Ex Indian President  APJ Abdul Kalam.

Remember winners are not those who never fail but are those who don't give up, and continue with their efforts. They don't accept defeat.  For them Giving up is self-defeat .It actually means you are stuck, you are allowing the fear of uncertainty to limit your opportunities. Not giving up means that you are free from the fetters of fear, you have unshackled it and fear no longer will pull you back and your efforts will not be restricted and you will not quit.

If you give up or quit it means you are accepting defeat, and as Babe Ruth  the American professional baseball player  put it you just can't beat the person who never gives up  
So don't quit---if you don't succeed in one attempt in getting what you desire to achieve, don't take it as a failure, take it as a learning opportunity and continue-    Don't Quit---because you don't know if the next try is going to be one that works.
However, let us look at it in different perspective.  A quitter never wins and a winner never quits "Napoleon Hills" this quote finds a place in almost all the self-help books;    however, this is not a Gospel Truth

 Shri Urjit Patel Governor of Reserve Bank of India resigned on 10th December 2018. He quit. Is he a winner or a loser? Of course, he is a winner, not a loser. He did not compromise on his principles.
When we say do not quit, it is to inspire you not to quit in the face of fear or adversity. It exhorts you to confront the fear. Don't get frozen and paralyzed by fear, uncertainty and adversity or difficult situations. Continue your efforts and you will win. Not giving up or not to quit defines your grit.  It is "Your grit that tells you not to take every failure as an anomaly or as a reflection of your competence. It encourages you not to run away from the challenges you are confronted with. Face and fight; not flight.  This is actually optimism that inspires you not to quit or run away.  As against this, there is pessimism that kills your Grit and tells you give up and go home" it never tells, "make one more try, you can do it"

However, in certain circumstances quitting may be the smartest and the right thing to do. And quitting in such a situation can bring   success beyond expectations. When quitting is done correctly, it is not giving up; it is making room for something better. When things seem high risk and low reward, there is no point continuing - Quit

If you are not quitting you are not evolving. Don't be afraid to do some experiments and quit the ones that don't work. Never give up on your dream but learn to quit the plan.

  You have the self-respect and confidence to live life on your terms. When something is not right in your life change it immediately .Be true to yourself.
Just to put in my own words what Spiritual Guru of Tibetan Buddhism  Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said about leaving the place, organization where you are not able to maintain your integrity .  Quit if   to maintain your position in the organization or for financial support that you need you have to sacrifice your integrity and morality, In such situation  I will not advise not to give up.    Quit to be at the place where you can function without losing   your character and integrity.
Similarly, if you are stuck up at an organization where your growth is stalled or stunted, you have shown patience, have been working hard but results are not emerging; quit to go to a place where your due diligence tells that at that place your growth will be performance oriented but growth will certainly be there, it will not be stunted.

Learning points
  • Don't quit  as you don't know the next try may be the one that works  but   quit if stakes are high and rewards Low. 
  • Pride or prestige should not be  the reason to quit but quit if your integrity is being compromised
  • Quit what is not working .
  • Don't give up on your dream or goals but quit the plan if not working.


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