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The Four Cardinal Points Of A Woman

Blog by Zion Peter Jnr connectclue-author-image

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Yes, they say the pride of a woman is her hair, but when a woman passes by, the first thing I see is her face, and if time permits, I check her shape and appreciate God for creating an elegant damsel.
That said, the woman has four major cardinal points which we can use to assess her. Yes, four major cardinal point!
Women are beings that have quick access to a man's heart, either by visual or intimate relationship.
Some men are attracted to the butt of a lady, some to her beautiful smile, some to her dimple, and so on?..
Regardless, here are the  four cardinal points of a woman:
1. Character
2. Background
3. I.Q. (Intelligence Quoient)
4. Love
CHARACTER: Character is the behavioural system of a living being. We can also define it as the way an individual behaves.
Character has many attributes attached to it. In character, one can find attitude, humility, neatness, humor, e.t.c. Many times, the character of a lady would determine who follows, stays, and walks out on her.
Funny enough, I have heard of  girls who were on the verge of a breakthrough and a little display of bad character to a friend, colleague, or fiance, cut the opportunity short. Yes, to the lady in concern, it shouldn't make them mad or leave but, as we all know, everyone lives based on his/her principles; so what we like, we stick to, and what we dislike, we avoid.
As a girl, this is the first point you should work on. 
I call this the North-axis.
BACKGROUND: The word background is defined as where one was brought up alongside their experiences or circumstances. In other words, background can also be seen as the breeding place of an individual (origin/home).
You'll agree with me that the upbringing of a lady is also as important as her character. Many have gone astray because their parents were actually nonchalant about their upbringing, while some are the major cause to having a bad background.
Background also has the same attributes as character. Some of the attributes of background include: association, communication, parent culture, etc.
Many ladies have terrible backgrounds, and their lives have been affected negatively as a result.
I heard a story of a lady whose mum advised her to go into prostitution to help their family with their daily bread. Sadly, the lady went with her mum's plan, and eventually, she contracted HIV and died years later. This narrative give us an example of parent culture. 
Background has a way of shaping your life positively or terminating it quick. How you associate, communicate, and accept beliefs should also be something to work on for any lady who desires greatness.
I call behavior the South-axis.
INTELLIGENCE QUOITENT (IQ): Intelligence Quotient is defined as the ability to perceive or understand. It also the effectiveness and speed of one's mental capacity.
The thinking capacity of a lady is also very important in the today's world. 
Intelligence Quotient has the following attributes, such as smart, confidence, passionate, and temperament.
A lady that is smart and confident attracts respect and attention.
A girl who acts without thinking is a failure because she will be used and dumped like trash.
Haven't you heard of  girls that got pregnant for a guy, believing he would marry them and later got disappointed? But, come to think of it, you are not yet married, yet you went to sleep with a guy without protection; were you thinking at all?
A girl that thinks rationally will be able to discern when she is being played, fooled, and cheated. So, as a girl, you also need to work on your thinking through books and seminars to improve yourself in today's world.
I refer to Intelligence quotient as the West-axis.
LOVE: Love is defined as the total acceptance of a personality into one's heart. Love can also be a strong feeling of attraction towards a thing.
This is where most girls go gaga (crazy). Love is a very strong word and expression. It carries many attributes, such as trust, submission, care, attention, risk, encouragement, supportive spirit, ambition, etc. Indeed, love is something everyone must fall into. After all, you can't keep hating everyone; no matter how cautious you are, love catches off guard sometimes.
You hear words like "I fell in love"  or "we are in love." Awnnn, romantic right?
But many are in love with the wrong person or thing. You love someone, but the only thing he wants from you is what lies between your thighs; is that love? 
"But if I don't give it to him he will cheat on me."
Sometimes, we mistake like for love, lust for love, and transactional sex for love. As a result, many girls have gone astray in the name of love. 

Permit me to share a friend's story. 😭😭😭 

All of a sudden, she started seeing a guy and came home late often. It became a tradition, and her dad found out. In his anger, he threatened to disown her if she continues the relationship and lifestyle. Yet, it went on and on, till one faithful day she got into a quarrel with her dad, and she left to stay with her boyfriend.
At this point, her dad left her to do her will; she was 22, so she should know her left from her right. 
"Since it's a man that's your problem, stay with the man," her dad said.
She stayed with the boy for over two months, and i guess for the young man, he felt had gotten a free wife. Unfortunately, one faithful Sunday, I came back from church and heard people crying at her father's house. I asked and discovered my friend was dead. What happened? How? 😭😭😭
She was sick, and the so-called boyfriend who promised to stand by her didn't care because he didn't have the money. How on earth could you allow a girl that is not your wife or sister to stay in your house without the knowledge or permission of her family?
She died in her boyfriend's house, and although it was reported that she was sick, some said it could be that she wanted to do an abortion. I didn't pay attention to those rumors, though.
The boyfriend is still serving jail time and would soon be out but, for her, it was her last on this side of the divide.
Mind who you love and trust.
I call love the East-Axis
In truth, all these 4 cardinal points revolve around CHARACTER, but they all can't work without each other.
? Zion Peter Jnr

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