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Meditation Also Gave Me Something Else

Blog by Om Sri Keshari connectclue-author-image

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The most remarkable benefits for me have been my ability to take advantage of my 'inner source of harmony' whenever I need it, my self-connection, and my soul, to achieve the greatest virtue and balance at the end of all power to meet, and to prosper in general. Thinking further has given me something different.

My contemplative business has undergone a major internal change as I began to build. When that door opens to me, that's fine! There is no setback - always something that no one can advise at any time.

The light, by my arrival, is a strange thing, and it is obviously too much for most people. By the time I got into this situation, I was sitting up straight for the amazing explosives to start, hearing the exploding trumpets and the voice of God (which I thought would explode and weigh!). I don't know what else I was expecting but instead what I experienced was a deep sense of peace. The entrance is open, I entered the entrance, and how I saw that life changed forever. The clarity with which I saw things at the time almost shocked me - but it was critical.

This did not mean that I stopped doing normal things like housework, cooking, and cleaning. No - sadly that has continued to this day and will happen in the future. No, to me the light meant that I actually knew things and agreed; others may call this 'Truth'.

I accept that Truth or enlightenment can be without question, all almost all at once without pointing to one thing.

Truth is like knowing everything realistically, by not working. Words are too short to express the feeling of being. All I can say is that it is GREAT that you can even think of the definition of words yet it is something I feel at any point I think of or a daydream.

I do not suffer from daily problems and yet I am not affected in the same way as before by the same symptom. I would say that while chaos reigns in me I cannot without much tapping into my source of internal consensus. It has helped me through a lot of hardships that I call health and I send a little prayer of thanksgiving to start exercising when I do.

Obviously, this training is available to anyone who will invest in effort and practice (it took me five months to get off to a good start). When you start this journey you will see the value has increased, focused, and adjusted.

I often hear it said, "I'd like to think about the shock and anxiety, but I still don't have time?"

If you do not have time - many do not and sometimes I do not - yet you would really like to start thinking as you accept the benefits of doing so, think about it. Three-minute passing conversation with a co-worker at the elevator, three minutes browsing a newsagency magazine or newsstand, or three minutes honoring a product show outside your # 1 store window. certain, or even a short walk. And, look! You can quickly lighten up and get to your source of inner harmony!

Contemplation can bring great change for you, just as it does for great prosperity, peace, happiness, and equality, and for the reunion of the soul with you. There are six billion people on this planet so your knowledge will be different from mine.

If you have never tried it before why not try it in the near future, you can get the full benefit of the benefits that it can bring.


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