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                              Does every leader have charisma?
What is Charisma
Charisma can be termed as the leadership instinct with which an individual is born with. Charisma is reflection of one's personality. It is a wonderful icing on the cake; it is the galvanizing impetus in moments of great peril and or unusual opportunity. Charisma is simply integral to getting things done. It is like magnet that pulls and draws people to the leader, and it is an aura that surrounds a leader.

                           Charisma can be bad, charisma can be good 
Bad Charisma

  It is not backed by brains, vision, integrity and character, such a charisma is useless and mostly dangerous. It is hollow and destructive when it is directed at self perpetuation and glorification. History throws up many examples of charismatic leaders like Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin whose dark power has been ruinous. Their charisma was devoid of vision, wisdom and integrity. They had no character; consequently they and their people/country suffered.

Good Charisma
It is backed by wisdom, integrity, intelligence, vision -one with these traits just makes the job whole lot better.
Among political leaders Mahatma Gandhi and African legend Nelson Mandela and among Business Leaders Dhiru Bhai Ambani , JRD Tata were the charismatic leaders. They had vision, they had passion .They displayed never ending persistence, empathy and action. They listened, they never arrogated to themselves having the monopoly on wisdom. they surmounted all the obstacles in their journey to the promised lands, they had conviction and belief  in what they were doing to inspire others and they did achieve what they  wanted to ,they did not merely play with words, they practiced what they preached.
Leaders say what they mean and mean exactly what they say.People will believe if you mean what you say, if you keep saying it - and then ensure that your actions and your management groups' actions are all in alignment with those words.

The inscription on the tombstone of Andrew Carnegie is very revealing Here lies the man Who knew how to enlist In his service Better men than himself.

  This is the art of leadership at its best
 This the Charisma at its best display
                                          The End

Saiyid  posted in Leadership

Post updated on:  Aug 6, 2021 12:21:47 AM

By. S.S.A. Zaidi.
Training & Development Consultant
Contact - 0091 9987644300

Managers' role is to achieve organizational objectives through subordinates. A subordinate is one who is subject to the authority or control of another. This yardstick applies to Managers as well. Thus, everyone working in an organization is a subordinate as well as a Manager / Supervisor. Managing Subordinates, therefore, means managing the organization. An organization is a group of people. People are the critical resource. Efficient management of other resources Money, Material, Machine etc., depends upon the People's Efficiency. 

How this critical resource in the organization is acquired, trained, deployed, motivated, and rewarded is crucial to developing that Efficiency. The way Managers do things and the people who relate to each other indicate how efficiently the organization is functioning. 
Each organization has a Vision i.e. what it wants to be or to achieve. Strategy - how this vision can be translated into reality, Structure - the way it is organized to implement the strategy, Systems - the way people in the organization plan, decide, control, monitor day-to-day operations, Staffing, and Skills - the way people are developed and utilized and the Style - the way things are done and the employees relate to each other; are the means to realize that vision. 

Managers must, therefore, muster all the resources at their command to manage these elements in such a way that each reinforces the other to achieve the desired goal. Successful achievement involves more than taking the right decision. It involves Successful Implementation.?
Successful implementation needs the motivation and commitment of employees to perform better. Managers, therefore, need to focus on the development and management of that motivation and commitment in their subordinates.

Among the subordinates, there may be some Deadwoods. Deadwoods are non-performers / under performers. They lack motivation and commitment. They are like non-performing assets (NPAS). NPAS is a drain on the organizations? productivity and profitability. All efforts are made by the organization to convert these NPAS into Performing Assets; and if efforts fail, the provisions are made, and ultimately the assets are written off. Similarly, Managers should identify Deadwoods among their subordinates and provide them all opportunities to convert into Performers and if they fail, they should part company. No organization can afford to carry Deadwoods.
A very interesting and eye-opening finding of research carried out by Jean-Francois Manzoni and Jean-Louis Barsoux- Assistant Professor of Management and senior research fellow respectively (IVEY Management Services, March / April 2003) indicates, that the cause of under performance is not necessarily a lack of talent, but the very-and very wrong-behavior of Managers. Changing that behavior will enable lowly regarded subordinates to perform and produce.?
This wrong behavior of Managers is motivated by their assumptions that their subordinates do not like hard work, hate responsibility, need threats of punishment to perform. These assumptions could make sense in the era of Feudalism where workers did what they were ordered to do. This attitude in today's world is anathema. 

In today's scenario, more than anything else, it is perhaps the mental and ego gratification that drives people to work hard and creatively. In other words, their motivation is in Self-Interest, so says Robert Town send the author of Further up the Organization?. Managers, therefore, need to manage themselves in terms of change in their attitudes, if they want to manage and develop the motivation of their subordinates.
The word "Motive" comes from the Latin root ?Move.? When we speak of the motivation of employees, we mean the factors which move them to behave as they do. These factors are Motives, the engines that energize and direct the behavior of employees. The behavior is generally directed towards the attainment of certain goals. When an employee leaves his seat and goes to drink a glass of water, he shows motivated behavior. We can say that ?Thirst? is the Motive that moves him to get a glass of water - i.e. goal
Water can be considered an ?Incentive? that satisfies the motive of thirst. Remember Incentive satisfies the Motive. So Motives are the Needs that move human beings in their day-to-day behavior.
The workplace can be seen as a place where employees come to satisfy their Motives. Managers need to find out what their subordinates need; what their Self-Interests are?         

Based on that a scheme of reward and punishment could be designed and implemented for all levels of employees. Various jobs and the flow of work can be designed in such a manner that these provide incentives to employees. Remember it is divine policy as well to offer Rewards and Incentives to motivate human beings to do good deeds. The reward for good deeds is Heaven and better life hereafter. Punishment for bad deeds is ?Hell.? So, let us follow this divine policy in managing our subordinates as well.
To manage subordinates and develop motivation and commitment in them, Managers must;

  • Know that if they serve their subordinates and take care of them, they get Power. Power flows from people so they should use that power for their subordinates and not get glory and credit for themselves. They should refrain from being ?credit-stealing? bosses.  
  • Believe in the personal and professional development of their subordinates, encourage them to take risks, make all of them feel involved, develop teamwork and morale, encourage them to talk freely at meetings, and focus on their individual development.
  • Utilize the existing creative potential in employees most optimally and recognize and implement their innovative ideas in the workplace environment. Try to reduce personal feelings of insecurity among their subordinates by helping them to develop self-confidence. Personal feelings of insecurity tend to block an employee's creativity on the job and tend to reduce general productivity and effectiveness. 
  • Communicate Performance expectations to their subordinates. Managing is not just fixing targets for them.
  • Eliminate communication blockages. Managers must ensure that open, timely, and correct communication takes place.
  • Empower them. Give them the freedom to act but define in precise terms the limits to that freedom. It is only then the ?Accountability? can be enforced. No organization tolerates incompetence.
  • Show consistency in their judgments. They should always do what they say they will. 
  • Not keep anything secret/confidential from their second-in-command. There will be very few items and that too occasionally that they need to keep to themselves, else most of the things Managers consider strictly private and confidential will see the light of the day.
  • Not play favorites. Be fair in dealings. Equity generates Trust and Morale.
  • Build up a reputation for reliability and dependability. They should not set standards for themselves different from those for others. Double standards are unhealthy.
  • Be resolver of the problems. They should not sweep problems under the carpet. Real problems need tackling.
  • Ensure that systems and procedures are in place so that the direction of subordinates is systematic and not left to chance.
  • Avoid such actions and directives as may create distrust or lack of confidence in their motives.
  • Accept employees' participation in management as an important instrument for better human relations. 
  • Show interest in the welfare of their subordinates.
  • Raise the level of employee motivation, increase the readiness of subordinates to accept change, and improve the quality of managerial decisions.

Think about what they themselves expect from their superiors. 

They would obviously expect:

                               i.         Honesty, straightforwardness, and fairness in dealings.
                               ii.        Involvement in and being kept informed about things that directly / indirectly concern them.
                               iii.       An opportunity to express their point of view.
                               iv.       Their views being considered sensibly and their opinions being sought.
and above all these, they would like their superiors to be people they can respect for their ability to make sensible decisions and for their consistency of judgment.
  If this is what Managers? expectations are from their superiors, then their subordinates too would expect from them many of these considerations and justifiably so. Managers must respond positively to these expectations to establish their credibility.
Managing is not only getting the work done. Managing is communicating; managing is developing subordinates through work. If Managers can meet and manage these challenges, they will have a team of highly energized, motivated, and committed subordinates so crucial for an efficiently managed vibrant organization.
So dear managers are passion- igniters, and competence -appreciators and see the productivity of your organization going up and up.

Post updated on:  Aug 5, 2021 11:28:51 AM

                                                leadership- an inborn quality. 

Is leadership an inborn quality or Can it be taught? is the most discussed and debated question in academic and non-academic circles with no correct answer yet found. 

One School of thought holds the view that leadership is a trait that can be developed through classroom training, leaders are not born but can be created. 

Prof. Michael Jensen Harvard economist belongs to that school... Sometime back in an interview with Namrata Singh of Times of India ( I could not trace the date . month and year of the interview  but I am sure it did happen)--

 he says: that leaders are not born, they are made in classrooms on basic principles like integrity and authenticity. Whether integrity can be taught or whether one can be made visionary in classroom settings does not seem tenable and is debatable? 

leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone; you develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it ? Elaine Agather

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw while addressing Army Personnel once remarked ? the real problem for all our difficulties, all our shortages, etc. is lack of leadership? leadership does not change. The attributes of leadership have come down the years. I do not know whether leaders are born or leaders are made. 

There is a school of thought, which, says leaders are born. If leaders are not born, can we make leaders? And my answer is yes. Give me a man or a woman with common sense and who is not an idiot and I assure you, you can make a leader out of him or her.?

Though field Marshall also believed that leaders can be created but his sharp focus in his lecture was on creating leaders by developing professional knowledge and competence, and this certainly cannot be disputed. 

By training, this attribute can be developed and nurtured but it is doubtful if the other attributes like honesty and moral courage the traits one is born with. Can be instilled by training. Integrity. 

Courage of convictions, humility, vision are not skills but traits and can certainly be polished and refined through external intervention
The most important attribute of the leadership is unquestionable integrity Hall mark of leadership is absolute integrity, truthfulness, and straightforward dealing under all circumstances. This implies that the leader must be impeccably honest with him and with others. 

As Emerson said, ?Guard your integrity as a sacred thing. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.

* Integrity is the core of leadership, Everything a leader does reflects the person he is really inside...What he is inside is always mirrored by the things he does and says. This Integrity can not be measured on a scale of 1 to 10?one is either honest or one is not. No external intervention can possibly convert a dishonest person into an honest person though ?Integrity lies at the core of leadership? can be demonstrated through case studies and examples.
And this school of thought gets support from
Harvard Business Review (December 2001) that reported on the defining moments for 17 world class leaders, no one identified a development activity as a major influence.

* In fact, at one European car importer, concurrent employee opinion surveys and multi-rater appraisals revealed that managers who had experienced a leadership development programs had produced dissatisfied employees and reduced: efficiency. And in a follow-up investigative study, one disenchanted employee commented, we used to have leaders who knew what they were doing, and told us,? Now we have managers, most of them can?t make a decision without a focus group or asking us what to do. We are promoting clones? How demoralizing it is, it suggests training can not make one a leader.

Professor Amin Rajan in one of his articles in Professional Manager says, like love, leadership is hard to define. Leadership and love, though, cannot be defined, can certainly be described, and can be observed. Feeling of love throws up some signals that indicate that love is in the air likewise some behavior patterns in an individual give cue to the leadership traits he has.

Love is universal but intensely personal. Likewise, leadership is universal and it is personal as well. Love energizes the universe so does leadership. From this energy flows action. Leadership encompasses the whole universe in its fold; Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela are the shining examples of this Universality, their footprints are indelible, eternal. 
Leadership derives energy from the love of the vision/ mission that he/she is set to realize. Mother Teresa is an example of this purity of love that kept her energized to keep going strongly/enthusiastically with the noble mission of serving the poor preaching LOVE ALL -HATE NONE to make this world hatred free. 

Similarly, it was the love of the vision/mission to have their countries free from the shackles of slavery that energized Gandhi and Mandela. They had the reservoir of energy/passion that kept their people energized and motivated and mission achieved. How apt the remark of Fillet, ??there is energy, passion, unweakened life in us--those who call it forth are leaders?, fits in with these leaders. 

They did not sustain themselves in reflected glory. They had integrity, the strength of character that restrained them from falling prey to temptations to self glorification and self perpetuation. They were passion- igniter They had charisma
Charisma is the leadership instinct with which an individual is born with. Charisma is reflection of one?s personality. 

It is a wonderful icing on the cake; .it is the galvanizing impetus in moments of great peril. Charisma is simply integral to getting things done. It is like magnet that pulls and draws people to the leader, and it is an aura that surrounds a leader. It is devoid of arrogance, but laced with humility. 

Charisma can be bad, charisma can be good. Bad Charisma: is not backed by brains, vision, integrity and character, such a charisma is useless and mostly dangerous. It is hollow and destructive when it is directed at self perpetuation and self glorification. History throws up many examples of charismatic leaders like Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin whose dark power has been ruinous. Their charisma was devoid of vision, wisdom and integrity. 

They had no character; consequently they and their people/country suffered.
Good Charisma is backed by wisdom, integrity, intelligence, vision -one with these inborn traits just makes the ambience all around vibrant, energized, and productive. 

Among political leaders Mahatma Gandhi and African legend Nelson Mandela and among Business Leaders Dhiru Bhai Ambani., JRD Tata were the charismatic leaders. They had vision, they had passion .They displayed never ending persistence, empathy and action. They listened, they never arrogated to themselves having the monopoly on wisdom, they surmounted all the obstacles in their journey to the promised lands, they had conviction and belief in what they were dong to inspire others and they did achieve what they wanted to ,they did not merely play with words, they practiced what they preached.

The inscription on the tombstone of Andrew Carnegie is very revealing. * Here lies the man; who knew how to enlist?
In his service, better men than himself.
* This is leadership at its best: These traits can not be developed by training but can be sharply honed and polished through external intervention. 

Saiyid  posted in Leadership

Post updated on:  Aug 4, 2021 2:51:09 PM

                                          (An Excerpt from My book Failure is a knock on the door of success)
                                                                        Fear of Failure
Don't fear the prospect of FAILURE, Be determined not to fail. That means be determined and resolute to achieve what you wish to achieve. If you are afraid of failure, you don't deserve success.  Failure is a knock on the door of success. Talk openly about your failure. There is nothing to feel embarrassed or ashamed by your failures. It is an opportunity to learn from them and   Start Again
Failure is the condition of not having achieved the desired result.   Don't allow failure to define you. Your Failure can not be your identity unless you allow it to do so. Don't allow it to kill your enthusiasm. Take you failure as your driver, as your motivator. Winston Churchill summed it up saying ?Failure is the ability to go from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm ? it, therefore, should not be the cause for losing your enthusiasm.  Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses a person to action. This state of mind gets frozen by fear of failure.  How apt is the statement ?If you are not fired with enthusiasm you will be fired with enthusiasm?. If you fell yesterday, stand up today. Our greatest glory, as Confucius said, is not in never falling but it is in rising every time we fall
It is during those spells when Failures strike you that you can reflect and take corrective steps.  That s the best time for sowing the seeds of success. Failure teaches you much more about realities, and with determination, persistence, and perseverance you can turn dreams into reality. Don?t fear Failure. Let it  be your counselor and teacher
Late APJ Abdul Kalam-ex president of India?s view on how to deal with failure   is ? if you fail, never give up because it means First Attempt in Learning, He said never read success stories, you will get a message. Read Failure stories you will get some ideas to get success.
 He further says Failure is a disease. If you want to kill it use the best medicine of hard work and confidence .It will make you successful.
Fear is one of the most destructive of human emotions.  It can disrupt your   normal sleep.   It can maim you. It can force you to suppress your full self. It can crush your creativity. It makes you brittle and weak. You can be paralyzed by the unknown.  You will languish if you allow yourself to be controlled by fear. Don't let it happen.

Saiyid  posted in Failure

Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 11:03:04 PM

                (  An excerpt from my book Failure is a knock on the door of success ) 

 No Elevator to success, Take the stairs

People have more often asked me how to achieve success and what success means to me. I wish I could answer that.  But I don?t have any easy answer nor do I have any MAGIC Formula that I can recommend for a smooth uninterrupted ride to success. However as far as I am concerned, whatever success  I achieved , I have earned  the hard way?with sweat,  perseverance and dogged determination. I started my journey from a tiny village in Jaunpur district of UP. I wasn't born with extraordinary talent. 

Nobody gave me anything on silver platter. My roots are modest. I don't have big -connections anywhere that I can boast of. And I don't receive divine prompts that would provide inspiration for my stories. 

The truth is I, the small village boy coming from an average middle class family, had to start at the bottom of the stairs and walk up one step at a time. Every day I   kept putting one foot in front of the other. I kept climbing upward. 

Most of the days the climb was very arduous, very steep and I wanted to stop. Other days I might have taken a few steps.  But  overall when I turn around, and look at how far I've come, I'm amazed  to realise and say it  with gratitude and with a sense of elation and of course  with humility  that  I have travelled much farther than I ever dreamed possible . 

I have kept moving steadily upward, confronting roadblocks on the way, eventually making slow progress forward.  But then, I only have to keep moving forward and see the steep climb that still awaits me to conquer it. I haven't arrived. Journey continues.  I love this saying: There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.??  

This quote   perfectly sums up the process of achieving success.  There are no easy ways to reach success. No fast route to being successful. No short cuts. And no pat answers to those who want advice on how to achieve successTake time to learn the skills that go with the trade and profession you are associated with. There is  no other way. The skills don't just magically show up.  We all have to learn. 

Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 9:17:37 PM

                               Life is a game of Hide and seek between Failure and Success 

Keep avoiding failure is the universally acknowledged wise counsel people have always been receiving. I recall my father commenting to me, Do your homework or you're going to fail! If you fail, you'll be left behind study. Study else you won:t pass or If you fail, people will think you're stupid and incompetent. This is the start of fear of failure getting sown in. We are asked to chase success but never told how to tackle our failure. This focussed emphasis on success leads to stress that we find difficult to cope with.

Failure has always been viewed as a sign of incompetence, an object of ridicule and carelessness. However failure happens to everyone. It is a very powerful ingredient to success. No one likes to fail but it has been observed that those who fail often come back and win . Every chance of failure is offset by the chance of success. Failure is the pillar of and roadway to success. Failure is a lure to success; it is neither incompetence nor an indignity. It is a trigger to continue not to give up
 Success is something almost everyone wants; there is nothing wrong in it. Deep down every one wants to be successful. Many of us are not clear about what success means. 

What exactly is success? 

How can it be defined? And what it means to be successful in personal and professional life? 

These are some of the fundamental questions each and every one of us is continuously struggling to find answer to.

We live in a world that has a lot of predefined notions of success .We are supposed to study hard ,get good grades,  find job in a top notch organisation ,and what not. The list is endless. 

These Societal expectations are suffocating and stress igniters. They create tremendous pressures and act like straitjackets.  Such pressures restrain and stifle creativity.
It is really very depressing to observe that our society shows harsh images of success and failure.  We should always WIN is the mantra they prescribe. If we lose we are doomed. It is the culture of conformity. Its mantra is to go along to get along. Its prescribed standards are stringent. 

One should not get terrorised and frozen by such standards. This single track success driven approach creates stress and tensions that one may find difficult to handle. What needs to be emphatically highlighted is that successful people are those who accept and embrace failure without making excuses and move ahead to plan out the next move.

It must be kept in mind and understood that Success is a journey. It is a continuous process. The road leading to success will not always be smooth. This journey will not always provide unending continual joy. There will be difficulties, setbacks, obstacles and roadblocks


Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 9:39:30 AM

Relationship managers: Do they misuse their access to customers and their accounts
There  have been several  reports of relationship managers misusing their proximity to clients to meet their sales targets. So, one needs to be cautious  while dealing with relationship managers
 Relationship Managers (RMs) have the potential to either strengthen the relationship with clients  or  they can erode it by their unscrupulous behaviour.  They have to reach a target so They operate in motivated blindness, therefore, indulge in such an exaggerated description of the product that it puts a mask on the risk inherent in the product and are able to sell toxic dubious products. Cases of misconduct on the part of RMs are not uncommon. There are many incidents of RMs misusing access to accounts and their proximity to clients to meet their sales targets. It has on many occasions, come to light, that the Wealth & Relationship Managers did get authorizations from their clients on blank papers with the promise that they will get maximize returns.
A few illustrative cases (picked up from media reports) are described here below?
A few years ago, a fraud in a leading foreign bank was detected, where a relationship manager had forged signatures of many widows whose children were staying abroad and diverted funds into his/her account. Probes revealed that the manager identified targets carefully and by using forged signatures, changed addresses of clients on his/her list so that they didn't get their bank statements. Instead, what they received were forged statements printed by their relationship manager. 
Mr P  who was a relationship manager in multinational banks 's retail banking operations, had illegally promised high returns under a sham deposit scheme and managed to convince about 20 high net worth bank customers to park their funds in that scheme. Puri got a forged circular in SEBI's name, which claimed that the high-returns scheme was only available at this particular branch. After getting big deposits, Puri generated forged bank slips and statements to the duped customers. He then siphoned off the money into the stock market.
A young techie with an information technology company in Pune, says he was cheated of Rs 4.5 lakh by his brokerage firm, thanks to the aggressive intra-day trading advised by his relationship manager. That's a huge amount for an ordinary person like me. The relationship manager wiped out all my money in months,? he says.
Misguidance or even mis-selling on the part of RMs in banks and elsewhere is a matter of concern. 

*A few years ago, only experts would have functioned as relationship managers in Indian banks. But now the position has been sort of degraded ? people who are not really experts in the field are being recruited as relationship managers for retail or consumer banking in India. And they are making a lot of mistakes.
On 18 April 2013 Moneylife Foundation presented a memorandum to RBI Governor on unchecked mis-selling by bank relationship managers. It says, Banks' relationship managers have been particularly brazen in recommending financial products to their customers while completely disregarding their financial situation. It is commonplace to hear of senior citizens being conned into investing in a mutual funds, unit-linked insurance plans or a hybrid-derivative products on promise of higher returns. In many cases, private bank executives go to their homes and persuade them to break secured fixed deposits and invest the money in Unit Linked Insurance Products (ULIPs) with the false assurance that these are as safe as fixed deposits and offer a higher return and security.?
Moneylife had highlighted the case of Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, a well-known singer and actor, who was taken for a ride by HSBC Bank for over five years. The modus operandi for HSBC in this case has been a combination of toxic churning of the portfolio management system (2% entry load on every purchase made by it on behalf of client), insurance products promising 24% returns, insisting her on taking a loan instead of withdrawing funds without even disclosing that the client was entitled for a smart loan. 

A strong campaign by Moneylife through its website and its social media properties got quick justice for a 79-year old man with his ailing wife. IndusInd Bank officials had deceitfully persuaded him to break his bank fixed deposit and invest in a wrong product. After Moneylife wrote about it, the bankers came at 11.30 in the night, bearing a demand draft of Rs7 lakh and returned him his investment. They had made him invest in DWS?s mutual fund scheme with a five-year lock in period.
 Whether they are dangerous or not depends on which side of the fence you are. If you are a victim then definitely you will label them as dangerous but if you've had a delightful experience with them, you may not. That does not mean you may not become a victim of their ?charisma?. It is in your best interest to be on your toes when you deal with them.

Post updated on:  Aug 2, 2021 9:47:48 PM

                                  Impulsive actions are catalyst for failure
When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. Sigmund Freud:
The advice Sigmund Freud has offered   is that all pros and cons of however minor the nature of decision may be, must be given a lot of considerable thoughts and then decision made- This way decision is based not on Whim but on solid rational reasoning and thought process. This is called   a well thought out and reasoned decision as against the impulsive spur of the moment decision 
To act on the spur of the moment without thinking ahead is an impulsive action. One impulsive "decision" can mean finding yourself in a hole that you may not find easy to get out of. This is what happened with a friend of mine. I will share with you one of his impulsive actions that continues haunting him even today.
An   overseas Bank had engaged him to set up a staff training and development center for them He joined them as the head of the Staff Training and Development Center sometime in 1981 and quit ten years later.
His quitting from the bank was triggered by a person with a designation similar to his   being put in charge of the training center. He received instructions from the HR department that he would henceforth report to the   newly designated   Training Manager. He was shocked as he told me. This shock hit him so hard that he did not wait a minute before writing his resignation letter and sending it to the HR Dept. To his  utter surprise it was accepted with the same speed as that of the resignation letter sent.  This shook his confidence. He had not expected this in view of the reputation of his professional competence and honesty.  He could not see any reason for his being asked to report to someone holding a designation similar to his, who was neither a career banker nor a trainer. It was reported that his arrogance, crude behavior and overbearing attitude was a constant irritant to everybody in the organization from which he migrated to my friends Bank. The man whom he had recruited to be his assistant changed sides and became loyal to the new training head, He was intrigued about why the bank management behaved the way it did. He had sown the seeds of the center and nurtured it. It was recognized as a most professional training Institute. His professional knowledge, competence and sense of rectitude was always appreciated by the trainees and also by the management He was rated as an outstanding trainer.
However, management had a second thought.  In view of his spotless record the management    advised him to withdraw his resignation and asked him to continue at the training center foe a month or so; thereafter he would be transferred and put in a department of his choice   but he declined saying that the reason for which he had resigned would lose its sanctity if he continued at the Training center and reported to the new training head.
However, in hindsight I believe that this was an opportunity for him to reconsider his decision which he did not do; I am very sure as I knew him,  that had he done that his career growth would have been the envy of many. I wish he had consulted me. This one impulsive decision changed the course of his career growth.  How apt is the remark of Dani Johnson, author of Spirit-Driven Success You never know when your life is about to change. You never know when one decision will dramatically impact your life and change the course of your destiny. 

1. Don't take decision dictated by impulses. No rational decision can be taken in haste.  Acting before thinking can destroy your chances for achieving your long-term goals in life.
2. Don't let your impulses get the better of you
3. You are likely to regret your impulsive moves.  You won't be able to turn the clock back and start all over.
4. Decisiveness is certainly a good trait, but being too quick to act can lead to rash, impulsive choices that can ultimately hurt you, your family and your business.
5. Think about situations; take your time and don't jump to conclusions
6. When problems arise, instead of acting impulsively, take a moment to remind yourself of your end goal, and contemplate all the different potential outcomes that will still get you there.
7. It can be tempting to act quickly, but it's more important in business to make a decision that won't take you down an incorrect path

Saiyid  posted in Management

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 9:58:09 PM

S. S. A. Zaidi
Retd Banker, Author and Motivational speaker
       Training and Development Consultant


Managers in an organisation have positions of authority.  This authority they draw from the Organisation Structure.  Without there being this structure, managers will be powerless   and  the organisation directionless. All the members in the organisation will grope in the dark not knowing what course to take to reach the goal.  They will work in uncertainty.  Managers will not be able to direct the employees to do the required functions.  Employees will have no respect for their seniors.  They will only decide what  they should  do and they will be able to get away with it.  Morale and productivity will show declining trend.
Organisational Structure therefore assumes importance.  It is the  Organisational  Structure that provides direction and gives support to the Managers.  This Structure is not just a chart showing the positions /  designations in the organisations.  It describes the organizational web of duties, authority, responsibilities and accountability.   It portrays relationships and primarily focuses on the powers / authorities vested in those positions.  The whole activity of the organisation is controlled, guided and governed by this structure.  Hence it is necessary that Managers protect this structure.  It is in their interests as they derive authority from  this and are therefore able to direct others to realise the objectives organisation has set for itself.
When one joins an organisation, he commits to perform specific functions under the direction of Managers / Supervisors.  It is the structure that establishes a working relationship between the Managers and the managed. The real test of good structure is actual relationship.  The strength of relationship between a Manager?s directive and the resulting action is the measure of the effectiveness of the Structure. A Manager who works within the confines of the authority strengthens the structure, one who goes outside the authority structure or oversteps it, demonstrates to his subordinates and colleagues that the existing structure can be disregarded.  If this is the message subordinates get, it demolishes the entire authority structure and eventually weakens the Manager?s position and authority.
Any authority structure will not achieve the desired objective if there is no climate of mutual respect.  Employees should respect the authority vested in managers to make decisions and Managers  must  respect  the  talents  and  preferences  of  subordinates. They should never give an order which they believe will not be carried out.  If orders are not carried out, it shows lack of respect and  damages the Managers? Authority Structure.
Every action that subverts the integrity and fairness of the Structure will weaken its effectiveness.  For the smooth working of the organisation there must be an AUTHORITY STRUCTURE that functions and promotes equity and fairness. 
Management must show confidence in people who are doing a good job and find realistic roles for those who are not.  This gives strength to the Authority Structure.  Nothing damages the Authority Structure more than the ?Organisation Politics?.  More often a well-run department gets disrupted for political reasons.  Lack of trust between seniors and middle managers, between Managers / Supervisors and the subordinates is more the result of Internal Politics.  Internal politics is destructive to the fabric of Authority Structure.
Rather than make decisions that should be made, Managers make decisions that contradict the factual position and are discriminatory.  A person is promoted to a position he does not deserve or earn.  The result is souring of relationship with Senior Managers, lack of respect for Managers from employees and diminishing enthusiasm for work.  These are indicators of employees? losing confidence and trust in the Structure.
To give credibility to the Structure, Managers must align with it.  They should not complain about the organization to subordinates even if they personally do not agree with the management decision.  When complaints travel from seniors to juniors it tears apart the Authority Structure and destroys subordinates? trust in Management Structure.
Managers should always be conscious of the fact that to their subordinates they represent the organisation and in a real sense they really are organisation to them.  They must, therefore, see logic behind the decisions senior management takes or has   taken   so   as   to defend it and  present   a   rational   picture   to   subordinates.   Managers need to believe in the fairness and equity of the organisation decision, only then it will percolate down to their subordinates.  Stronger the Structure is, more efficient the organisation will be.

Saiyid  posted in Management

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 10:14:47 PM

Managing Subordinates "Managers" Role
By. S.S.A. Zaidi.
Training & Development Consultant
Words -1381  -0091 9987644300
Managers' role is to achieve organizational objectives through subordinates. A subordinate is one who is subject to the authority or control of another. This yardstick applies to Managers as well. Thus, everyone working in an organization is a subordinate as well as a Manager / Supervisor. Managing Subordinates, therefore, means managing the organization. Organization is a group of people. People are the critical resource. Efficient management of other resources  "Money"  "Material" Machine etc., depends upon the People Efficiency. How this critical resource in the organization is acquired, trained, deployed, motivated, and rewarded is crucial to developing that "Efficiency". The way Managers do things and the people relate to each other indicate how efficiently the organization is functioning. 
Each organization has a Vision i.e. what it wants to be or to achieve. Strategy - how this vision can be translated into reality, Structure - the way it is organized to implement the strategy, Systems - the way people in the organization plan, decide, control, monitor day-to-day operations, Staffing and Skills - the way people are developed and utilized and the Style - the way things are done and the employees relate to each other; are the means to realize that vision. Managers must, therefore, muster all the resources at their command to manage these elements in such a way that each reinforces the other to achieve the desired goal. Successful achievement involves more than taking the right decision. It involves ?Successful Implementation.?
Successful implementation needs motivation and commitment of employees to perform better. Managers, therefore, need to focus on the development and management of that motivation and commitment in their subordinates.

Among the subordinates, there may be some "Deadwoods". Deadwoods are non-performers /   under performers. They lack motivation and commitment. They are like non-performing assets (NPAS). NPAS are drain on the organizations? productivity and profitability. All efforts are made by the organization to convert these NPAS into Performing Assets; and if efforts fail, the provisions are made, and ultimately the assets are written off. Similarly, Managers should identify Deadwoods among their subordinates and provide them all opportunities to convert into Performers and if they fail, they should part company. No organization can afford to carry "Deadwoods"
A very interesting and eye-opening finding of a research carried out by Jean-Francois Manzoni and Jean-Louis Barsoux- Assistant Professor of Management and senior research fellow respectively (IVEY Management Services, March / April 2003) indicates, that ?the cause of under performance is not necessarily a lack of talent, but the very-and very wrong-behavior of Managers. Changing that behavior will enable lowly regarded subordinates to perform and produce?
This wrong behavior of Managers is motivated by their assumptions that their subordinates do not like hard work, hate responsibility, need threats of punishment to perform. These assumptions could make sense in the era of Feudalism where workers did what they were ordered to do. This attitude in today's world is anathema. In today's scenario, more than anything else, it is perhaps the mental and ego gratification that drive people to work hard and creatively. In other words, their motivation is in Self-Interest, so says Robert Town send author of "Further up the Organization". Managers, therefore, need to manage themselves in terms of change in their attitudes, if they want to manage and develop the motivation of their subordinates.

The word Motive comes from Latin root Move. When we speak of the motivation of employees, we mean the factors which move them to behave as they do. These factors are Motives, the engines that energize and direct the behavior of employees. The behavior is generally directed towards the attainment of certain goals. When an employee leaves his seat and goes to drink a glass of water, he shows a motivated behavior. We can say that Thirst is the Motive that moves him to get a glass of water - i.e. goal
 Water can be considered Incentive that satisfies the motive of thirst. Remember Incentive satisfies the Motive. So Motives are the Needs that move human beings in their day-to-day behavior.
The work place can be seen as a place where employees come to satisfy their Motives. Managers need to find out what their subordinates need; what their Self-Interests are         
Based on that a scheme of reward and punishment could be designed and implemented for all levels of employees. Various jobs and the flow of work can be designed in such a manner that these provide incentives to employees. Remember it is divine policy as well to offer Rewards and Incentives to motivate human beings to do good deeds. The reward for good deeds is Heaven and a better life hereafter. Punishment for bad deeds is Hell. So, let us follow this divine policy in managing our subordinates as well.
To manage subordinates and develop motivation and commitment in them, Managers must;
  • Know that if they serve their subordinates and take care of them, they get Power. Power flows from people so they should use that power for their subordinates and not to get glory and credit for themselves. They should refrain from being credit - stealing bosses.  
  • Believe in personal and professional development of their subordinates, encourage them to take risks, make all of them feel involved, develop team work and morale, encourage them to talk freely at meetings and focus on their individual development
  • Utilize the existing creative potential in employees most optimally and recognize and implement their innovative ideas in the work place environment.  
  • Try to reduce personal feelings of insecurity among their subordinates by helping them to develop self-confidence. Personal feelings of insecurity tend to block an employee?s creativity on the job and tend to reduce general productivity and effectiveness.
  • Communicate Performance expectations to their subordinates. Managing is not just fixing targets for them.
  • Eliminate communication blockages. Managers must ensure that open, timely, and correct communication takes place.
  • Empower them. Give them freedom to act but define in precise terms the limits to that freedom. It is only then the Accountability can be enforced. No organization tolerates incompetence.
  • Show consistency in their judgments. They should always do what they say they will. 
  • Not keep anything secret / confidential from their second-in-command. There will be very few items and that too occasionally that they need to keep to themselves, else most of the things Managers consider strictly private and confidential, will see the light of the day.
  • Not play favorites. Be fair in dealings. Equity generates Trust and Morale..
  • Build up reputation for reliability and dependability. They should not set standards for themselves different from those for others. Double standards are unhealthy.
  • Be resolver of the problems. They should not sweep problems under the carpet. Real problems need tackling.
  • Ensure that systems and procedures are in place so that the direction of subordinates is systematic and not left to chance.
  • Avoid such actions and directives as may create distrust or lack of confidence in their motives. .
  • Accept employees, participation in management as an important instrument for better human relations.
  • Show interest in the welfare of their subordinates.
  • Raise the level of employee motivation, increase the readiness of subordinates to accept change and improve the quality of managerial decisions.
Think what they themselves expect from their superiors. 

They would obviously expect:
                                 i.         Honesty, straightforwardness, and fairness in dealings.
                               ii.         Involvement in and being kept informed about things that directly / indirectly concern them.
                              iii.         An opportunity to express their point of view.
                              iv.         Their views being considered sensibly and their opinions being sought.
and above all these, they would like their superiors to be people they can respect for their ability to make sensible decisions and for their consistency of judgment.
  If this is what Managers? expectations are from their superiors, then their subordinates too would expect from them many of these considerations and justifiably so. Managers must respond positively to these expectations to establish their credibility.
Managing is not only getting the work done. Managing is communicating; managing is developing subordinates through work. If Managers can meet and manage these challenges, they will have a team of highly energized, motivated, and committed subordinates so crucial for an efficiently managed vibrant organization.
So dear managers be passion- igniter and competence -appreciator and see the productivity of your organization going up and up

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 6:04:14 PM

  S. S. A. Zaidi
  Training and Development Consultant

The key to unleashing employee's productivity in an organization is held by the management.  To a very great extent the style of management and the way the employee's work is organized has a direct impact on the productivity.
An employee's performance on the job is the function of his ABILITY and his WILLINGNESS to work.  In many cases it has been observed  that an employee does not perform at the level he is capable of, though he has necessary skills and competence to do the job. The obvious reason for this is his unwillingness to work. The lack of will to do his job has an impact on his work output. This affects   the organizational productivity adversely. Why this unwillingness to work is the question management should try to add an answer to.  Many studies conducted have revealed that employee's unwillingness emanates from the work that does not provide him recognition, responsibility, growth and advancement. The major highlights of these studies have been their findings that employees with higher job satisfaction care about the quality of their work and are more committed to the organization.  If the employee gets what he seeks from his job, he experiences job satisfaction that motivates him to perform above acceptable level.

However Motivators are different for different individuals. The role of Management is to  find out  those things that an employee seeks from his job and then so structure the job that it provides him what he seeks.  This would spur  him on to perform at relatively higher level leading to increased organizational productivity.
All employees start their career with a motive to achieve success.  This motive  propels them to ACTION. Management therefore needs to ensure that conducive conditions are  created to foster and inspire this motive.

The two most significant conditions  conducive for sustaining this motive at optimum level are
  • Organizational Culture / Climate
  • Job Characteristics.

Organization climate and culture  should provide support for reasonable bonafide mistakes that would not impinge on the overall financial credibility of the organization. Every organization has rules. These rules explain the way business transactions are and should be done in the organization. A departure from any of these rules is taken as a ?Mistake? or an error. A mistake is just an event. It is actually the first step in learning. Learning comes from making a mistake and correcting it. Therefore, if the organizational support is not there, the creativity that emerges from the need to achieve would be lost to the organization. It would lead to frustration and apathy on the part of the employees.  And  consequently the productivity would be adversely affected.
Frustrations among employees are also caused by role conflict and role ambiguity. Overlapping of functions and encroachment upon other's areas of responsibilities produce a dampening effect on the performance.  To safeguard against this it is essential that each employee in the organization has his role and extent of his authority clearly defined.
Open communication, clearly defined roles, opportunity for up gradation of skills, scope for employees to use their skills and knowledge and avenues for their growth and development should be the visible elements of the organizational culture and climate so essential for the sustained motivation of employees.


Job assigned to an employee is another equally important factor. It should be challenging and there should be encouragement and appreciation.  Success on the job should lead to better and more important assignments.  A job with these characteristics will certainly reinforce the employee's motive to achieve success.  This will lead to higher job satisfaction and therefore increased productivity.
Shakespeare said, The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars but in ourselves?.
Applied to Management, it would mean that problems of productivity may very well be  not in their employees but in the behavior of the Management.  Any tactics designed to manipulate employees would not help in increasing productivity.  Management should strive to find ways to unleash the potential for work that exists in most of the employees.  Managers work with and through people and therefore they should be sensitive to the needs and requirements of people who work for them.  If they are,  they can increase employee's achievement by inspiring their inner urges  to ACHIEVE in consonance with the organizational goals.  Although financial rewards instill a brief  ?HIGH? regarding job satisfaction, the effects wear off quickly.  The Management, therefore, should take steps to foster sustained high morale and as a result higher productivity and quality.
Telltale signs that morale problems exist, should not escape the attention of the management. These signs may be irregular attendance, increasing turnover and  increasing customer complaints.  However most management instinctively know when things go awry, but they may not admit it to themselves for the fear that acknowledging it may mean admitting the existence of a problem with their own style of management.  But if a journey towards better productivity is to be successful, this EGO problem must be overcome.
In all the organizations managers manage Money, Machine and Manpower.  Efficient management of Money and Machine depend upon efficiency of Manpower i.e. employees.  No amount of money dedicated to equipment/infrastructure will translate into the desired results unless a reasonable investment is made in those who operate the equipment's.  Finding good employees is not that easy, so management should put in a little extra effort and consideration into keeping the ones they have, happy and productive, making them feel that they are a part of the organization  and giving them recognition for the job they do.  If the management do it, they will see the productivity graph of their organization soaring.

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 5:53:31 PM

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