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Buy Gold in Cameroon scam

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Buy Gold in Cameroon scam

We will be looking at the buy Gold in Cameroon scam, how the dealers operate, and what to expect, Please visit MINMIIDT-GOV.NET for more info on how to Avoid Gold scams in Cameroon.
Cameroon is a country in Central Africa very rich in gold and other precious metals. It has a population of over 25 million people. Because it is rich in gold, many investors come looking to buy gold and other metals. Unfortunately most fall prey to scammers. The government has put up a very strong fight trying to stop this practice but the scammers are not slowing down.
Browsing online, you will see many websites claiming to sell Gold in Cameroon 98% are scammers. These companies do not exist and cannot be verified by anyone. As always they can fool people by offering cheap prices. Once contact has been established they move with their plane which is making you buy the CEMAC Buyers Permit from the Ministry of Mines Cameroon. Note there?s nothing like the CEMAC Buyers Permit. Send inquiries for more info on how to avoid the buy Gold in Cameroon scam.

CEMAC Buyers Permit

The fake vendors are always quick to sign a contract and on this contract, all the buyer?s terms are accepted and sometimes discounts are offered on the already very cheap price. If you?ve had an encounter with any then you will testify everything is so smooth. No advance payment and the buyer only pays after the gold as been received and assayed in their country. However, the buyer is expected to get a CEMAC Buyers Permit from the Ministry of Mines Cameroon without which the Gold cannot leave the country.
The Buyer is then directed to a fake Ministry of Mines website to get the CEMAC Buyers Permit. Browsing online you will notice Cameroon has about 20 different Ministry of Mines websites, all owned by different scammers. Once you agree to this and get the Permit which usually costs $2,500 for 2 year permit and $5,500 for 5 years the scammers move to the next phase of the Scam.

Shipping the gold

After getting the fake CEMAC buyer permit and signing the contract, the scammers ship the gold using a fake courier and send you the tracking code. A day or two into the delivery, you will be called and asked to either pay Insurance or more taxes claiming the gold is now in a different country. Sometimes they?ll ask you to buy a diplomatic seal which ensures the gold comes to you without any intervention and this goes on and on until you can?t pay anymore.
Getting scammed can be very traumatizing and it is the worst feeling ever. I wouldn?t wish that on my enemy which is why we set up this website to help.

How to Safely Buy Gold from Cameroon

Cameroon has a very big gold market mostly in the Eastern Region of the Country. That is where almost all the mines are located. Except for a few Chinese companies, they practice artisanal mining mostly done by the villagers. The gold mined is usually smuggled out of the country through the Central African Republic and Nigeria to avoid taxes. However, there are few legitimate companies and small local corporations that sell within the country. These are the people you should be contacting hence our job of linking buyer and seller in a genuine marketplace.
Our website features many vendor reviews but we also provide a list of safe places to buy Gold online in Cameroon and Africa. The best and only way to buy gold is from vendors recommended by us. Do not be fooled by cheap prices or thinking with just a permit of $5,500 you can get 500 kilograms of gold. Help us fight scams today by reporting fake vendors.

Difficulties in meeting gold vendors

Meeting gold vendors in Africa can be very difficult because most of them sell locally. The miners are very poor and live by hand to mouth with some earning less than $20 per month. Most of them are illiterate and those who are educated do not always have access to the internet. This makes reaching them very difficult.
With our sensitization, many have started creating their own Social Media pages and this helps them meet buyers worldwide. Scammers and fraudsters have also taken advantage of this opportunity to scam unsuspecting individuals. Our work for a very long time has been to expose these scams and linkup buyers directly with sellers.
You can also help clean the internet by going to our Scam Page and reporting any suspected fraudsters. This helps educate others hence they buy gold dore bars and avoid scam. Contact us to get more information on Gold dore bars for sale in Africa.

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