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4 reasons to convert your fluorescent shop lights to LED

Blog by Saurav Chakroborty connectclue-author-image

All > Technical > Benefits of using LED lights instead of fluorescent lights inside your shop

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Would you love to visit a shop with poor lighting conditions? Nobody will, and that's why you need attractive lighting conditions inside your shop to engage buyers. No need to specify that a proper lighting condition can change the overall ambiance of your shop entirely. Still, most shop owners don't focus on the lighting conditions inside their shops.
The days of using fluorescent lights inside shop premises age gone with the ongoing craze for LED lights. It is evident that LED lights are safer than fluorescent lights for internal usage. You might question why you would prefer LED lights over fluorescent lights. The following points will answer this question appropriately.
  • Fluorescent lights tend to dim often, ruining the ambiance of your shop. Such things don't happen when you've installed LED lights inside your shop. Most importantly, LED lights are way more powerful than fluorescent ones and those generate brighter light as well. 

Source- https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/led-shop.html 
  • LED lights are the best options for long-term usage. You must go for LED lights instead of fluorescent lights if longevity is your primary concern. The average durability of LED lights is approximately 100000 hours while it is 30000 hours for fluorescent lights.
  • LED lights don't emit excess heat and hence such lights don't increase the heat inside your shop. Fluorescent lights, on the contrary, generate way more heat and increases the temperature inside your shop. 
  • The best part about LED lights is they are way more energy-efficient than fluorescent lights. You can expect a significant decrease in the electricity bills of your shops by installing LED lights.
These are the reasons why you should replace the fluorescent lights of your shop with LED lights. So, don't delay and create a pleasant ambiance inside your shop with LED lights.


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