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How vastu Shastra can help to have happy family

Blog by Rakhie Mishra connectclue-author-image

All > The world of Occult science #astro, Numero, Vastu > Vastu and happy family

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Vastu shastra

Vastu shastra is a science which work on five elements. 
When get balanced it help you to lead a happy and peaceful life. Using Vastu shastra and five elements we can welcome, happiness, positivity and success in our life. 
In our ancient books or (ग्रंथ) granth there are several rules mentioned . 
North  to east - water 
East to south - fire 
South to west - earth 
West to north - air 
And center is space 
If we follow the rules and place the things accordingly it will lead us to happiness. 

As our body is also based on five element and if these elements are imbalanced we can easily felt that physically. 
Say if there is imbalance of fire element like we had excess of chillies or spices in our food than there will be acidity. And we feel uncomfortable and you can notice it in our behaviour. 

Same way if there is imbalance in your 🏠 space say....... The South East corner is extended than there could be heated arguments in the family  Etc. 

Rakhie Mishra 
Astro-Numero and Vastu expert


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