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Art of personal excellence

Blog by Munmun Aidasani connectclue-author-image

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The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Improvement is the basis of evolution. When someone is looking for self-improvement it means to believe that nothing under the Sun is perfect. There is always room for improvement. We all wish to change our lives for betterment. We always do find the chance to improve and change it. And again once we get a chance we are puzzled how to start and how to make a change. The most successful people are always looking for ways to improve. They are not satisfied with accepting their shortcomings or resting on their laurels. Top achievers put time and energy into being their best self.

I would say from my personal experience, no matter who you are, how old you are, or your circumstances right now. Self-development allows you to be happier day by day and live life in the way you want to.


Growth in yourself eventually leads you to new opportunities. All you need to focus on your lifestyle. Start implementing the things which you learn in your life. Focus on self-improvement----by reading good articles, blogs, books on personal development.

Do not use your energy to worry, use your energy to believe. Self-confidence leads to Self - esteem. All you need to believe in yourself and follow your dreams. Always keep motivating yourself which will in turn push you to reach your goals.

Self-improvement helps you become a better version of yourself. Whether to improve in your job, your business, your relationships. You have to constantly look at what you can improve; you have to grow into the person who is ready to change. Personal development is vital to your success.


Always have a reliable company around you to judge and guide you towards your improvement path.

Reading is the best choice when it comes to growth and improvement.

Identify your blind spots.

Overcome your fears.

Acknowledge your flaws.

Always challenge yourself and have healthy competition.

Learn from people who inspire you.

Learn to deal with difficult people whom you can't avoid.

Always try to avoid negative people.

Cultivate a new habit and quit a bad habit.

Let go of the past and focus on the future.

Get a mentor or coach if you find it difficult to lead your journey of improvement.

Take a break.

Always meditate and exercise.

Life never seems to be the way we want it,

but we live it the best way we can.

There is no perfect life,

but we can always fill it with perfect moments.

BEYOND THE POINT, Let us be a Player in life who runs for the goal.....and not a Referee who looks for the faults. Always recognize that your fears reflect areas where you can grow. Shake your routine up and do something different. Being too comfortable doesn't help us grow, it makes us stagnate. 

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