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100% Refine Edible Sunflower Oil Wholesale : Sunflower Oil For In Europe

Blog by CEMAC BUYERS PERMIT connectclue-author-image

All > Refined Sunflower Edible Oil > Refined Sunflower Edible Oil

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We are suppliers of BEST QUALITY Sunflower oil and looking for serious buyers in need of our products, contact us for more details.
Sunflower oil, extracted from sunflower seeds, is a versatile vegetable oil widely used in cooking. Its mild and neutral
flavor is available in refined and unrefined (cold-pressed) varieties. Light in color, ranging from pale yellow to golden,
Refined deodorized sunflower oil manufactured from natural sunflower seeds without chemical treatment. The color range of sunflower oil is from clear light yellow to golden hue.
Sunflower oil consists of vitamins and several useful substances. The main part is made up of vitamin E, which also consists of vitamins A, D, and vegetable fats, which improve the process of metabolism and strengthen the immune system.
1L 281,5mm 76mm 918gr
3L 287mm 125mm 2,775kg
5L 327mm 151mm 4,700kg
10L 412mm 197mm 9,320kg
Country of origin
We update our online product database regularly. Nevertheless, we cannot exclude errors. Therefore, please make sure to always compare this information with the information on the label of the respective product. Please send a message to info@greenspzoo.com if you notice any discrepancies or incongruities. Thank you.
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GREEN SP Z O O SP?ŁKA KOMANDYTOWA (KRS: 0000595048, NIP: 7292709914, REGON: 363373642)


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