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Anuska  posted in Poetry

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World is here:
As we all know that we are living in a modern age.Here everything is bacame digitize.Now if we talk about new generation education then bookish knowledge is not enough to live a good life.
The new trend we need to know:
As far as we know that Moneymatters,we need to understand that we should give our kids a skilled knowledge so they can identify there skillset and polish there skills and live a life according to thier WIL.
What the world is searching for:
There are many hardskills and softskills that we can teach our kids.
3.Game development
4.Art and craft

And manymore ......
Our kids are our GEMS and we have to POLISH THESE GEMS.

Usman  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Aug 21, 2021 12:19:13 AM

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