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Nirupama  posted in Cooking

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Health is a state of complete harmony of body ,mind and spirit. If a person is healthy he/she can do their work properly. For a person to be healthy every body part should function properly in which teeth play a major role. As if a person is not able to chew properly, the digestion of the person may get upset and then he/she can have poor state of body.

God has given us 16 pairs of teeth from which 4 are wisdom teeth which appear in the age between 16 to 21. Teeth are very essential part of the body that may get decay with increasing age or eating unhealthy food items or even not cleaning the teeth at night before sleep.

So to prevent tooth decay their is a proper method of brushing teeth that should be considered that is keeping the head part of the brush tilted to 45 degree angle and then brushing three teeth at a time for the teeth in maxillary arch it should be given a direction from upwards to downwards and for teeth in mandibular arch it should be vice - versa , also it should be done in inner surface of the teeth .

A person should clean their teeth before going to bed as the bacteria which are present in mouth acts on the teeth at night more devastatingly than the whole day. Also floss can be used to clean the area between two teeth, so that the food does not accumulate between them ,it should be done as 1-3 inches tied around the finger and kept between the teeth . Then the excess food material that gets between the teeth is taken out, after that the mouth is rinsed properly.

Mouthwashes of various companies are nowadays available in market which are used after half an hour of brushing before meals , this gives mouth relieve from bad breathe and causes increase of self confidence in a person.

Hence these are the various steps to prevent tooth decay which may create a problem in healthy lifestyle of a person and can cause other body related issues. This implies that if the teeth are strong you can posses a beautiful smile with beautiful day.

Tanishka  posted in Dental

Post updated on:  May 20, 2021 4:03:46 AM

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