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Anuska  posted in Poetry

Showing results for Debopriya Roy Remove
The beautiful and savior Sun,
Your kisses burn me by degrees.
Then the Cloud snatches me
Holding in his strong cold arms.
Though not the strongest:
He fall me down-
I fall! I fall! I fall!
He brakes me into pieces,
Called the Raindrops.
Ah! The long tired journey-
I fall in deep sleep.
But a sudden soft touch
Mingles me with your crying.
I gravitate on your chest,
Where the heart's beating for me.
I find my Equal.

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 6:13:56 PM

Stay With Me

Stay with me at Early Morn.
Just an infant to you.
My only nutrients are
Your breast milk and playing.

Stay with me at Noon.
Able to take decision and
To go against they or you.
Still a child to you.

Stay with me at Eve.
Quite capable of thinking
That had done right or wrong.
Till a kid to you peculiarly.

Stay with me at Dark Night.
Great pleasure to die lying
In the lap of loved one
To whom I'm a baby forever.



Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 10:20:12 AM

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