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Anuska  posted in Poetry

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Money does not have an age limit, if you can spend it you should be able to earn it. Wake up!!! You are in the 21st century, we all need money leave out the sentiments;that you are  too young to earn . ?We are the  leaders  of tomorrow? So we are told,  but a leader of tomorrow has to start preparing from today. This is why and how to make money as a teenager. 

Our Teacher Nature

Look at the animal workforce especially the ants, every single one of them has an assigned duty regardless  of age and size. This is the single reason they flourish so well, because no single ounce of its work force is wasted.

Pay 50 rupees for your school's  offline registration and you still have to wait  till Dad comes back from Goa. Offering  time in church and you still  have to go get your offering from Mom?.... I am not indicting you I just want to give you a better option, make your own money!

Why should you make your own money? 

1. You carry Some Financial Burden  

You lift a little bit of the burden of taking care of you off your parents. They don't complain but the truth is that it is at times overwhelming for them. If you made some money and stopped requesting little change, this lessens the financial burden. Channeling that into to savings can really do a lot.

What do I mean? If a man gives two of  his kids 50 rupees each to school everyday apart from snack pack that costs about 50 rupees per one. He spends 300 for upkeep of his children.

Now imagine he saves that money from the beginning of the year till the last month of the year he would have 100800 and he puts the money into a savings account. If that money compounds at 5%per annum and he keeps increasing the capital by say at least 1/2 the initial principal in a matter of years he would become a millionaire,  wala!!! Finance upgraded. It is easy to say but difficult to achieve. But difficult is not impossible. 

2. Create A Sense Of Responsibility 

When you earn the money you spend you will learn to separate your needs from your wants and to choose what you purchase from your list of needs based on level of importance or preference. 

Why do you think parents are a little strict with releasing money for wants, this is because they  have learnt to be judicious with what the little resources  they have and prioritize needs. If you start learning to be judicious with your resources  from now,  then by the time you are controlling bigger resources  you will become an unstoppable force. You can now begin to eye and buy those wants of yours. 

3. Millionaire In The Making

Learn from Hart Main to Willow Tufano to Cameron Jackson they all used a little bit of capital  and in some cases handiwork to build themselves a fortune. If you don't have a means of income  then  what do you improve  on?  Let's now  assume the business  plan you have mind is not related to the jobs available, remember  you need money to carry out your plan so get the  job. 

To have a strong finance in future or even is by making  saving and investing a priority at an early age(Teenage) . Think about  how  much you want to have saved in the future and break it down into smaller payments you can afford today. Thanks to compound interest, saving 15% of your paychecks every month starting when you get your first job could help you earn up to 10 times your income by retirement age. If you don't have a source of income then how do you get what to invest or save? 

I have been  going on and on about  why you should make money for yourself as a teenager and as a gentleman  that I am I will now give you a list of jobs you can get involved in as a teenager. 

1: A car wash attendant 
3:A Cashier
4:Catering Coordinator
5:Dry  Cleaning  
6:Lawn Care 
8:Personal  Assistant 
9:Dog  Walking 
10:Hotel  Host or Hostess. 

1. Car wash attendant

Cleaning the exterior and interior part of a car all that is require  is strength and carefulness(when washing sensitive  parts like the engine). 

2. Babysitting

Watching kids and making sure they are having fun and also being safe and that's  a lot to joggle so it requires  watchfulness, and  patience, a good sense of humour also helps. 

3. A Cashier

You work in Stores and you have to know the price of all the goods in the store and you  have got to have a good set of people skills. You are a teenager and you might have mood swings, it's time to be calm and friendly. 

4. Catering

You can learn to cook and offer catering services on the weekends. 

5. Dry Cleaning

Washing, Drying and properly ironing people's clothes. You might start with your family and friends and work your way up. 

6. Lawn Care

Mowing lawns,raking leaves, trimming hedges and other yard related tasks. 

7. Janitor

Keeping offices, schools  and buildings clean  and spotless. This might not be the most prestigious job but it pays so why not?

8. Personal Assistant

Keeping schedules  for a person and  running  errands. 

9. Hotel Host or Hostess

Welcome guests and make them feel comfortable. This requires being friendly and helpful. You might need some connections to get this kind of job. 

Now You Know

Now that you know why and how to make money as a teenager, do something about it. The teen age does  not always have to be about wearing the latest Gucci product or using the latest phones, be different, be decisive, invest in your future.

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 5:17:31 AM

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