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Teenage ? A worry of every parent

Blog by Arvind Jadon connectclue-author-image

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Every age is a problem. Iron age, bronze age, the Computer age, modern age, Old age, childhood is a problem. Teenage is another problem. Life is full of situations, what we cannot solve becomes a problem for us. Sometimes, it may be tough to believe, the teenager is not a foreigner, being from a far-off planet. But they may be wired in another way. The only problem is that we, as a parent always want them to be same as they were a few years back. And this is what is not digestible.

Teenager's mind is mounting; therefore they act differently than an adult's brain. The frontal cortex? the part of the brain used to manage emotions, make decisions, reason, and control inhibitions?is modernized during the teenage years, forming fresh synapses at an incredible rate, while the whole brain does not reach full maturity until about the mid-'20s.

Teenage? A worry of every parent 

Every age is a problem. Iron age, bronze age, the Computer age, modern age, Old age, childhood is a problem. Teenage is another problem. Life is full of situations, what we cannot solve becomes a problem for us. Sometimes, it may be tough to believe, the teenager is not a foreigner, being from a far-off planet. But they may be wired in another way. The only problem is that we, as a parent always want them to be same as they were a few years back. And this is what is not digestible.

Teenager's mind is mounting; therefore they act differently then an adult's brain. The frontal cortex? the part of the brain used to manage emotions, make decisions, reason, and control inhibitions are modernized during the teenage years, forming fresh synapses at an incredible rate, while the whole-brain does not reach full maturity until about the mid-'20s.

Children,( just before becoming teens) look for you, ask for every single thing, do what you want, and in all seek permission from you. And mistakenly we think our child is Magical. It takes 14- 15 years for a child to cross-questioning.  And that stage, we begin to question our upbringing. That painful moment when a child makes you realize that there are more people who are more important than you.

If we want to be somebody, for the new fresh life which has come, you must not have defined boundaries of who you are?  Like the way you crawled with your child, it's time to swing with them. Don't deal with your Teenagers; make yourself available to be dealt with by them. Make them responsible for everything. One day you will have the courage to hand over one month's salary to handle the house.

Your teen may be taller than you and seem mature in some respects, but often they are simply unable to think things through on an adult level. Hormones produced during the physical changes of adolescence can further complicate things. Now, these biological differences don't excuse teens? poor behavior or absolve them from accountability for their actions, but they may help explain why teens behave so impulsively or frustrate parents and teachers with their poor decisions, social anxiety, and rebelliousness. Understanding adolescent development can help you find ways to stay connected to your teen and overcome problems together.

It's also significant to keep in mind that while teenagers are individuals with exclusive personalities and their own likes and dislikes, some traits are universal. No matter how much your teen seems to extract from you emotionally, no matter how free your teen appears, or how bothered your teen becomes, they still need your attention and to feel loved by you.

This never-ending journey of making him/her a good person is always in the hands of a parent. If a person is good, the credit always goes to parents and vice versa.

                     "If they are lucky they will survive, through backstabbers, broken hearts, failures and all the kinds of invisible insane pressures out there".

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